God is a fighter.


There is something in this chapter that I like very much: "Moses answered the people, 'Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.'" (vs 13-14)

Photo © Unsplash/Jason Briscoe

Photo © Unsplash/Jason Briscoe

God is a fighter. He was certainly fighting in this chapter! He was fighting for the deliverance of His people, Israel. (vs 25) And He was also still fighting for the people of Egypt. (vs 4) He is fighting to be known by His beloved children, trapped as they are in their misperceptions.

Many people believe in a god who created the universe, a sort of super-powerful creature who made everything but wants nothing now to do with creation. A "hands-off," distant deity. Disconnected. Impersonal.

Photo © Unsplash/Martin Knize

Photo © Unsplash/Martin Knize

I'm sorry, but after reading Exodus 14, I have to say that it doesn’t get any more personal than this! A God who stands up and fights for you. A God who snatches you from the mouth of certain death. A God who endures derision from His enemies (and even from you!) and still fights for you. It doesn’t get any more personal than that.

God is a fighter. And He is fighting for you. No matter the situation, you need only be still. He’s got it covered.