God wants to speak.


Have you ever had something really exciting or really sad happen to you... and you just wanted to tell someone? And, at a time like that, have you ever tried to call your friends and family—person after person—and just kept getting sent to voicemail? I had that happen to me once, and it was so frustrating!

I think God is like that. I think He’s just dying to talk to us, but most of the time, we can’t be bothered to listen. Maybe we’re just too busy. Maybe we’re too busy talking at Him. Maybe we’ve been working hard to drown out the voice of the Spirit for too long. No matter which one, I think God would just like to get a word in edgewise.

Photo © Unsplash/Ilyass Seddoug

Photo © Unsplash/Ilyass Seddoug

The reason I think that is because of what God does in 1 Samuel 3. Mainly, He wastes no time. The nation of Israel is in spiritual shambles; it seems that most people don’t remember or even care that God exists. As the chapter put it, "In those days the word of the Lord was rare; there were not many visions." (vs 1) But finally, finally, God had someone willing to listen. A child.

That was it. That was all God had to work with. But we see that He wasted no time. Once He found an open ear, He started talking! And thankfully, once Samuel heard the voice of the Lord, he never stopped listening. But it makes me wonder—what would God like to say to you and me? He wants to speak. He’s dying to speak. And when He finds a willing heart, He will speak!

Anyone listening?

Photo © Unsplash/Kristina Flour

Photo © Unsplash/Kristina Flour