God can be trusted.


This has to be the most important lesson we could ever learn in life... and it certainly seems it was a lesson David had learned well. As he was fleeing Jerusalem—running for dear life from his own son—he realized that the Levites and the high priest had carried the ark of the covenant out of the temple. This wasn’t unusual. In the past, if you’ll remember, the Philistines had captured the ark and carried it away—sort of like a good luck charm. Well, that didn’t work out so well for them.

And David was apparently determined not to treat God like a good luck charm again. He had seen firsthand that such an approach didn’t work, and he didn’t want to try to cram God into his plans for survival. Instead, David said this: "Take the ark of God back into the city. If I find favor in the Lord’s eyes, he will bring me back and let me see it and his dwelling place again. But if he says, 'I am not pleased with you,' then I am ready; let him do to me whatever seems good to him.'" (vs 25-26)

Photo © Unsplash/Lauren Lulu Taylor

Photo © Unsplash/Lauren Lulu Taylor

David knew this truth about God: God can be trusted. We can trust Him to do what is right in every situation, and because of that, we can place ourselves in His hands, knowing that He will do with us whatever is best. Even if we are lost. Have you ever thought about that? Remember how Jesus treated Judas—never condemning him, treating him with respect and love even to the very end, simply serving him. Even if we set ourselves against God, He still treats us with kindness.

Who else could we trust so implicitly? I am ready to say with David (and I hope you are, too) that I am more than willing to let God do with me whatever seems good to Him. I know He can be trusted to do what is best!

Photo © Unsplash/rawpixel

Photo © Unsplash/rawpixel