God is totally above board.

Psalm 15

In English, when we say that somebody is “above board,” it means that they deal completely honestly and fairly with others. Ironically, its origins are from the gambling world: In a card game, if a person put their hand “below the board” (sideboard was a common word for table), it was easier for them to cheat. Keeping their hand “above board” ruled out the option of dishonesty.

Psalm 15 is a song about the kind of people who get along with God and don’t mind being in His presence. From this, we can easily conclude that God embodies the very same traits. After all, who are you most likely to invite over to your house? People who share common interests and characteristics!

So, if we use Psalm 15 as a blueprint for God’s character, we find a very appealing image. According to David, God:

  • is innocent.

  • does what is right.

  • speaks the truth from His heart.

  • does not tell lies about others.

  • does no wrong to His neighbors.

  • does not gossip.

  • does not respect hateful people.

  • honors those who honor Him.

  • keeps His promises, even when it hurts.

  • does not take advantage of people.

Photo © Unsplash/The Honest Company

Photo © Unsplash/The Honest Company

(I’m grateful for every quality on this list, but especially that God doesn’t gossip! Because if anyone has the goods on you and me, it’s Him. I’m glad He keeps it to Himself!)

What is this, if not a picture of a person who is totally above board? And not only is God like this, but David says that the people who live with God will be like this, too. That means that God is able and willing to take my gossiping, lying, cheating, conniving self and transform me into someone who is totally above board.

And that’s just what I want to be—more like Him.

Photo © Unsplash/Abigail Keenan

Photo © Unsplash/Abigail Keenan