Psalm 70
I can’t believe I’ve been “in quarantine” for more than a month now. Someone recently joked that when we turned the clocks ahead in March, someone accidentally flipped us into The Twilight Zone. It feels like it! I never imagined 2020 would be such a weird year, and it’s not even half over yet! Suddenly, as we contemplate plagues and collapsing economies, and general global instability, contemplating the end of the world doesn’t seem as far-fetched as it used to.
I’m sure there are many of us who would echo David’s sentiments in this psalm: “Hasten, O God… come quickly… Lord, do not delay.” (vs 1, 5) But even as we wait for the end of time, we know that God is always right on time. What seems like a long wait to us is not an eternity to the Lord. He knows how all things are working together so that everything culminates in just the right way.
In the meantime, David has the best advice for us while we wait: “But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; may those who long for your saving help always say, ‘The Lord is great!’” (vs 4)
While we wait, we should praise. The more we remember and affirm that God is in control, the easier it will be for us to wait—no matter how long it takes.