Psalm 112
Here is one of the paradoxes of the Christian life: When we fear God, we won’t be afraid of anything. When we don’t fear God, we will be afraid of everything. Of course, as mentioned in yesterday’s blog, “fearing” God doesn’t have anything to do with being terrified of Him. It means to respect Him, to stand in awe of Him, to understand that He is over all and above all.
If we are willing to do that, we will suddenly find ourselves in proper perspective to God and the rest of the universe. And, somehow, all of the problems that seemed to loom so large in our mind will also find themselves in proper perspective to God and the rest of the universe. And the proper perspective is that no news is bad if you’re walking in the will of God.
I think that is worth repeating: No news is bad if you’re walking in the will of God.
Isn’t this exactly what the psalmist says? “Surely the righteous will never be shaken; they will be remembered forever. They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the LORD. Their hearts are secure, they will have no fear.” (vs 7-8)
Committing yourself to God removes a whole host of fears. First, family fears are dissolved: “Their children will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed.” (vs 2) God is a master of relationships. If family problems are discouraging you, renew your allegiance to the Lord and trust Him to help you with your relationships.
What about financial security? That is a huge fear in today’s economy, especially since it has recently been trashed in this country due to the coronavirus response! But the psalmist says that for those who fear the Lord, “wealth and riches are in their houses.” (vs 3) While this may not mean that you’re going to be a millionaire, it does mean that you can trust God to supply all your needs. He is the only true financial security!
Our world is a dark and confusing place to live. But God promises reassuring light to all those who put their confidence in Him: “Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for those who are gracious and compassionate and righteous.” (vs 4) The more we walk in that light, the more we will be able to discern it. There is no need to fear the dark.
Some people fear the future altogether. Let’s face it, contemplating the future is a scary prospect. Yet, God promises that “the righteous will never be shaken; they will be remembered forever.” (vs 6) No matter what happens to us, nothing can cause God to forget about us. When it looks like everything is falling apart around us, God can hold us firm so that we will never be shaken.
Walking with God dissolves the fear of everything else. If we trust Him, if we believe that He knows what He’s doing, then our hearts really can be steadfast and secure no matter what. Because God is working all things together for our good, there is no such thing as bad news.
“Fear” the Lord, and soon, all your fear will disappear.