God's mind is full of you.

Psalm 115

I typically use the New International Version when I quote Bible texts on the blog, but today, I wanted to use the New American Standard Bible because it uses a certain word I like very much: “The Lord has been mindful of us; He will bless us.” (vs 12)

There has never been a time when you weren’t on God’s mind. He has been thinking about you since before the creation of the world. He knew you while you were being formed in your mother’s womb. He knows everything about you. He knows and sees every moment of every day.

Photo © Unsplash/Lesly Juarez

Photo © Unsplash/Lesly Juarez

He has thought of you, comforted you, provided for you, delivered you, and guided you. Everything He has done in your life has been with your best good in mind. Because He knows you thoroughly, He is able to do all the things that are best for you. He knows just how to communicate with you and how to reveal Himself to you.

Everything God does is with you in mind. He doesn’t do anything for selfish reasons, but spends all His energy in loving and blessing His creation. That’s what the second half of this verse means. Those who are remembered by the Lord will be blessed by Him, because blessing is what He does and others is who He does it to. You are on God’s mind, and because of that alone, you will be blessed.

Photo © Unsplash/Zulmaury Saavedra

Photo © Unsplash/Zulmaury Saavedra

I don’t know about you, but to me, it is an awesome thing to consider the thought that I’m on the mind of the Creator of the Universe. So, just when you feel alone, just when you feel forgotten about, just when you feel neglected, just when you feel abandoned, just when you feel like nobody knows or cares or hears… God is thinking of you right then.

He has always thought of you, and He will always think of you. You are always on His mind.