Jeremiah 9
We all know them: people who brag, boast, and show-off. Often, this isn’t an appealing quality in a person, but I suppose we all do it from time to time. Sometimes, the bragging is “legitimate” (meaning that even though it might not be an attractive character trait, a person like Michael Jordan could brag about being a basketball superstar). Sometimes, it’s just a lot of hot air.
In today’s chapter, God had a word for people who like to brag: “This is what the Lord says: ‘Let not the wise boast of their wisdom or the strong boast of their strength or the rich boast of their riches, but let the one who boasts boast about this: that they have the understanding to know me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,’ declares the Lord.” (vs 23-24)
Apparently, to know the Lord is really something to brag about! It’s more important than wisdom, strength, and wealth. It’s also something that is increasingly a rare commodity in the human race. I’m afraid that the vast majority of people today—including most Christians—don’t spend much time talking to God, listening to Him, or getting to know Him. Consequently, there are a lot of messed-up ideas out there about what God is like!
To be sure, since our finite minds will never be able to fully grasp the Infinite mind, even those who know God the very best will always harbor some misunderstandings about Him. We will always be learning more about God; we will always be uncovering new and better reasons to praise and adore Him. No human being will ever “corner the market” on God. That’s what makes a relationship with Him so fun!
And I think that’s why He says that if we want to brag about something, we should only brag about how well we know Him. Because in order to know Him better, we must spend more and more time with Him. And spending time with God is infinitely more valuable than spending time acquiring street smarts, pumping iron, or chasing a fortune.
We may waste our breath bragging about other things, but every other boast is built on a flimsy foundation. Wisdom, strength, and wealth are all perishable. God is the only thing that’s permanent, and knowing Him is the only pursuit in life at which we can just get better and better. Those who boast about knowing Him will never have to stop bragging!