
God cares about our attitude.

God cares about our attitude.


After Noah and his family left the ark, Noah sacrificed some animals to the Lord.
Verse 21 says it was "a pleasing odor" to God, and the Amplified Bible adds that
it was "a scent of satisfaction to His heart."

Does God like the smell of blood? Does He like the smell of flesh in the fire?
Was that what was so satisfying to God? No. The thing that was pleasing to God
was that Noah prepared a sacrifice. Noah’s attitude toward God prompted him to
do what he thought would be pleasing to the Lord. It was a sign of relationship,
an act of gratitude.

God is a God of individuals.

God is a God of individuals.


So... the infamous story of the flood. This is usually one of the Bible stories that is known by most everyone—even if they've never read a Bible. But I was struck again by the description of how incredibly corrupt all of life on earth had become. Verse 5 of the Message Bible puts it this way: "God saw that human evil was out of control. People thought evil, imagined evil—evil, evil, evil from morning to night."