Perhaps the same question that went through my mind also went through yours as you read this chapter: Why did the Lord get so angry over a census? Clearly, not only was God not pleased with what David had done, but David himself recognized that he had done a bad thing once it was over: "David was conscience-stricken after he had counted the fighting men, and he said to the Lord, 'I have sinned greatly in what I have done. Now, Lord, I beg you, take away the guilt of your servant. I have done a very foolish thing.'" (vs 10)
In the past, I have heard it explained that David’s sin was in putting his trust in the size of his army instead of in God. And that seems like a valid argument to me. However, I’d like to add a little something more to the mix today. You see, I don’t think taking a census was the problem. God had never told David (or the Israelites) not to take a census. On the contrary, He had given very specific instructions regarding the taking of a census:
"When you take a census of the Israelites, each person must pay the Lord a ransom for his life when he is counted. Then no plague will happen to them when they are counted." (Ex 30:12) This was the instruction regarding taking a census. Everyone who was over the age of 20 had to appear before the Lord at the time of the census and bring an offering. So, the census was designed to be an opportunity for all the adult Israelites to meet with God—not for a king to find out how much firepower he had.
God sees us as more than just a number. To Him, we are not facts, figures, and statistics. We are individuals. When the people were counted en masse, God paired with that a highly personal encounter. I believe that was to symbolize to us just how valuable each person is in the eyes of God. We’re not a number to be written down in a record, but a special, flesh-and-blood person whose existence is important to God.
Thus, David’s big sin was not only wanting to trust in his army over God, but treating people as impersonal objects, as numbers and statistics. He removed the personal, relational component from the census process, and God is never happy when we treat others like that. Because He never treats us like that.
To God, you are much more than a name or a number or an object to be used for a government’s advantage. You are precious. You are special. You are one-of-a-kind. You are His.